Cyclone DDS is the new fastest growing Open Source implementation of the Open Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service standard (DDS). Today, Cyclone DDS is gaining momentum in the Robotics, the Autonomous vehicles and the Automotive markets as well as in other mission critical and demanding IoT systems where:
- Performance,
- Robustness,
- Safety ,
- Security,
- Interoperability, and
- Openness
are fundamental for the success of these systems.
In terms of language biding Cyclone Supports:
- the C language
- the Python language and
- the C++ languages
Other language bindings such as C#, Java, Javascript are expected too.
With support from the Eclipse Foundation and its open source ecosystem, Cyclone DDS represents a genuinely open source data distribution platform with full source code access and updates. Source code, examples, build and getting started instructions can be obtain through .
ADLINK offers a commercially supported version with extra features, extra safety levels and guarantees of professional support.
ADLINK offers a commercially supported version of Cyclone DDS with Professional Services delivered by worldwide experts in middleware technologies, IoT and Mission critical Systems.
The Professional Services include:
- A fully mature and industrial grade product
- Ports of Cyclone DDS on specific Hardware and Software Platforms
- Pre-packaged binary and source code version of Cyclone DDS
- Support and Maintenance with different Service-Level Agreements
- Training and Workshops ranging from Standard to Advanced Sessions
- Dedicated Architectural Consulting Packages
- Consulting Hours Package
- Long-term Support of frozen versions
- Committed roadmap with add-ons
- Certifiable versions